Type H
Inflation pressure
from 0.5 to 2.0 bar
Standard diameters
from 100 to 1800 mm
The pneumatic plug type H is suitable for temporary filling of circular section pipelines, such as pipelines, gas pipelines at relatively high pressures. The stopper is made of synthetic fabric covered with plastomers resistant to hydrocarbons and is equipped with 4 bands that improve the seal to the residual pressure present in the pipe. The stopper is inflatable with air/ nitrogen through a flexible tube equipped with a valve inflation and a safety vent valve; the expansion of its diameter is such as to allow perfect tightness in the pipe. The plug is equipped with handles for the correct positioning of the same in the pipe.
1. Piping to be repaired 2. Piping after cutting and removing the damaged part 3. Installation and inflation of ‘H’ type disposable plugs 4. Welding of the new piping section instead of the damaged section 5. Welding of the new piping section completed plugs will be pushed along the pipeline by the fluid, up to the extraction point.
The pneumatic plug, being free of metal parts, can be left in the pipe where it is destroyed during the slide; its residues can be recovered in the grids, filters or traps for PIG.